The Balanced Life Formula, 5 Simple Steps to De-stress, Create Balance, and Find Peace

For the following questions, please rate yourself on a scale of 1-10.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 = This does not describe me at all right now

5 = This describes me somewhat

10 = This describes me perfectly

There is no right or wrong answer – please choose the number between 1 and 10 that best

reflects where you are at this moment.

Beginning Assessment

I know how to use my breath to calm my body and my mind, and I do this every day.

I have a daily meditation practice, and it helps me to feel more relaxed and calm.

I am able to easily and quickly feel deeply connected to my inner strength.

I feel very confident and capable in my life.

I know how to feel happy and grateful every day.

It is easy for me to notice what I am thinking, and then to change it to more positive thoughts.

It is easy for me to notice how I am feeling, and then to change it to more positive feelings.

I know how to set my day up for success.

I know how to prioritize and delegate what needs to be done, and I do this on a daily basis.

You have finished the assessment.

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