Hello [wlm_firstname],

Welcome to Module 1 of The Balanced Life Formula; Using Your Breath To Calm Your Body and Mind.


In this module you will find:

Module 1 Audio

Module 1 Worksheet Mindful Breathing Meditation

Module 1 Accountability Tracker


Print out the worksheet and the  accountability tracker to work from this week. I’ve included a bonus 15 minute meditation for you to listen to throughout to help you stay on track.

Before you listen to this weeks audio get in a comfortable chair in a private quiet area.  Turn your cell and computer off, just for 10 minutes and have an open mind.  It is important for you to make the room and set yourself up to totally embrace this lesson.  This is an important part of the process in making the most of this technique.

When you are ready enjoy module 1 below:


As you continue on this path, remain committed to investing the time for you to meditation practice your de-stressing techniques.

Here is your bonus 15 minute meditation. It is best if you listen to this daily while you are developing the habit of meditation:


Your success in the program is dependent on your willingness to be open minded and to play.

Find the time to put yourself first and then notice what happens.

To your Success,


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