Susan Delano Swim, the balanced lifestyle expert, recently hit six best-seller lists with the new book, “Answering the Call,” including #1 in two categories.
Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada – July 31, 2014 – Susan Delano Swim, founder of The Zelatious Lifestyle Strategies, recently joined Lisa Sasevich, “The Queen of Sales Conversion,” along with other leading experts from around the world to co-write the book titled, Answering The Call: Entrepreneurs and Professionals Reveal How They Said Yes to Success and You Can Too! The book was released on July 24, 2014 by CelebrityPress™ – a leading business book publisher.
On the day of release, Answering The Callreached best-seller status in six categories – reaching as high as #1 in the “Direct Marketing” category and the “Marketing For Small Business” category. The book also reached best-seller status in the “Marketing,” “Small Business/Entrepreneurship,” “Marketing/Sales” and “Business/Money” categories. Susan Delano Swim contributed a chapter titled “Zelatious Living, The Balanced Life Formula.”
Susan Delano Swim, The Balanced Life Strategist, founded The Balanced Life Formula after retiring from a successful sales and marketing career for some of the leading Fortune 100 companies. After applying the strategies and principles she now teaches, Susan found the courage to leave the safety net of working in the corporate grind to step out into the realm of retail sales where she owned and operated a high-end children’s retail clothing store in Canada. Soon Susan found herself working her own grind as the “lone ranger”, running two successful family businesses, raising her four daughters, in addition to volunteering and running Dress For Success workshops. Susan started to see she was enslaving herself to a life of imbalance that ultimately took it’s toll on her own well being as well as that of her family’s. Something had to change and she quickly learned it had to start with herself.
Susan quickly pivoted, extracting her strong interpersonal skills she had honed as a top sales and marketing director to launching a career in coaching and advising women as a Balanced Life Strategist. Susan teaches from first-hand knowledge. She helps women to find their voice, rise up and avoid the pitfalls she has experienced herself and knows all too well. She advises a broad list of clients both at home and internationally teaching real, practical applications so women can begin to think, speak and live more authentic, fulfilling and productive lives. Because Susan is able to laugh and learn from her own self, she is able to guide women to take a heartfelt look at themselves in such a way that cultivates honest self awareness and positive long-lasting change.
CelebrityPress™ describes Answering The Call:
Our Celebrity Experts® in Answering The Call come from totally different places. Their experiences are as varied as their passions, but they are all passionate about their subject. Their experiences have given them the success they currently enjoy, notwithstanding the obstacles they overcame, to achieve their goals.
You may have noted in life that your mindset colors your thinking and your actions. In order to change direction in life to achieve your goals, you may need to realign your mindset. At the very least, by learning from a mentor’s experiences, you will save valuable time and effort. The CelebrityExperts® in this book can guide you by their analysis, experience and action – in what to do or not to do – in Answering The Call that to which you are responding.
After such a successful release, Susan Delano Swim will be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.
Click HERE to order a copy of Answering The Call.
The royalties from this project will be given to Entrepreneur’s International Foundation, a not for profit organization dedicated to creating unique launch campaigns to raise money and awareness for charitable causes.
To get Susan’s free guide – 5 keys to Taking Back Control of Your Life, visit:
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