Susan - 6377

Have you been trying to be
to everybody
and are feeling exhausted and drained?


Do you feel that your life is
totally out of balance
and not sure how to achieve a
happy medium
juggling all the things that
you have to do?


Maybe you’re just feeling stuck
and don’t know how to get ‘unstuck’
and reduce the stress in your life?

If so, I have a proven solution to help relieve your stress-filled life NOW!

Hi, I’m Susan Delano Swim, The Balanced Life Strategist. Before I get into the juicy details of what my new program is all about, let’s face some truths, shall we?

FACT: Most illnesses today are a direct result of trying to cope with too much stress in our lives.

FACT: Long-term stress is one of the major factors in creating anxiety/panic attacks, elevating cholesterol levels, can cause ulcers, increased blood pressure, chronic back/neck and skeletal muscle pain… and the list goes on and on.

Stress causes disease… period. Undue and uncontrolled stress affects every facet of our lives causing us to become people we don’t even recognize in the mirror. Stress has a way of turning us into harried, worried, and totally unhappy and unhealthy beings.

Thankfully, I DO have a solution to de-stressing your hectic life and the best part is that it is a totally doable and results-driven program.

Introducing… The Balanced Life Formula©!


The Balanced Life Formula© consists of 5 informative and interactive Modules, each one honing in specifically on ways to lower your stress levels and show you how to find a pathway to a more serene joy-filled way of living!

Module #1:

Ever have that feeling that you can’t breathe or that you are constantly holding your breath?

That’s one of the descriptions of stress breathing along with short shallow breaths and in this section I’ll teach you a way of breathing that reduces stress and anxiety while helping promote calmness and awareness in your daily living.

Module #2:

What if you could instantly connect with your inner strength, power and wisdom to overcome those feelings of “I’ll NEVER get this project done on time!” or “I’m so overwhelmed! I haven’t even got time to go to the bathroom!” Being in the state of total chaos all the time takes its toll on your body, mind, and spirit. In this module I’ll show you to harness your strengths to put these disturbing feelings in their place once and for all.

Module #3:

How many times a week do you ‘wake up on the wrong side of the bed?”

You know the drill. Alarm clock goes off… you hit the snooze button 5 times before dragging yourself out of bed… you climb into the shower only to discover there is no hot water left… you spill your first cup of coffee down your blouse… and the day just gets progressively worse. In this module I’ll show you a simple way to shift your mind-set from a negative state to a one of happiness.

Balancing work and private life

Module #4:

I know that somewhere along your path someone has said to you that how you live your life is truly ‘mind over matter’ … and they’re right! In this module, you will learn how to choose what kind of day you want to have and take control of how you feel, no matter what the situation is. (Yes, you’ll learn how to handle even one of those dreaded mornings I mentioned above!)

Module #5:

While we’d all love to live at the spa and have daily massages to relax, this is not a practical way of living for most of us. However, just imagine how great you’d feel if you could quickly and easily de-stress anywhere at any time of the day or night. That’s exactly what you will learn in this module, namely 5 simple ways to rejuvenate your entire body and dump the stress in minutes!

One of the best things about The Balanced Life Formula© is the fact that anyone can achieve success in de-stressing their life by using this program… IF they’re willing to do the necessary work.

Plus another benefit from enrolling in The Balanced Life Formula© is the fact that you can join at any time!

“I had been finding life was getting to be more than I could cope with for some time. I was depressed, my chest hurt all of the time and it was becoming more difficult to cope even with the little things in life. I knew I needed some sort of help but did not know where to turn. A friend of mine told me she felt life coaching would be good for me. I knew I had nothing to lose so I decided to give it a try. I am not saying the process was easy. It was a lot of hard work and a struggle at times. I am not only coping with life now, I am looking forward to it. I have new skills that can help me cope with anything that comes my way.”

– Barb, Supervisor 

“I feel so lucky to have found you. I was lost and sad and had no idea how lost and sad I was. With your guidance, support and your skills I am living my life with more passion and from my heart. It is such a relief to be able to stop all the negative brain talk I had and to live from my heart with excitement for the next day and every day after that. I now love my life and the only thing that changed was how I see it and how I control it, for that I thank you.”


~ S. James 

Each module comes with an audio recorded class lesson for you listen to before proceeding with that week’s specific task. I’ve also included an easy to follow worksheet for you to write down any ‘aha’ moments that you

Each module comes with an audio recorded class lesson for you to listen to before proceeding with that week’s specific task. I’ve also included an easy to follow worksheet for you to write down an ‘aha’ moments that you experience during the training as well as an accountability tracker to monitor your progress in de-stressing your life.

I want you to take a moment and do this short exercise with me. Read the next paragraph and follow my instructions.

Imagine how easily your day would flow if you weren’t constantly putting out fires in some department of your life.

Imagine how great you’d feel comfortably sliding into your bed that night knowing that you had regained control of the outcome of your feelings and had had THE best day in a long, long time?

Invest In Yourself – Make One Payment

Imagine! Give me 5 weeks of your time and I’ll give you back a happier, more content person! One who has learned how to better control their life and release the triggers that bring on feelings of helplessness, overwhelm and chaos in their life! A person who no longer feels like they’re a hamster spinning around and around on a wheel getting nowhere fast!

“I have been coached by Susan Delano Swim for the past six months now and have found it extremely beneficial both to my personal life and business. With Susan’s professional and personable ability, she can really help putting one’s life of everyday turmoil together to a really good balance of work, living and leisure time.  Susan is a rare person in today’s society, who is dedicated to helping others with her professional training! Thank you!” – K. Kirk, President

I believe the question you now need to ask yourself is this: do you feel it would be worthwhile to make this investment in your health? Are you willing to make a concerted effort to ridding yourself of harmful stress levels and creating a more peaceful, harmonious life?

In short, are YOU worth it?

Invest In Yourself – Make One Payment

I do hope that you decide to invest in yourself and join The Balanced Life Formula© today.

Here’s to a healthier you!


To learn more about Susan Delano Swim please click here!

PS: If you have any questions concerning this wonderful program, please feel free to email me at and I’ll do my best to respond as quickly as possible.

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